Evolution vs. God (Living Waters 38:40)
D16 The Fossil Record Proves Evolution (4:21)
D06 All Those Animals Couldn't Fit (5:14)
D15 Evolution Is A Fact (3:28)
D25 Lucy Is The Real Deal (5:23)
Whale Evolution (Genesis Apologetics 21:43)
The Atheist Delusion (Living Waters 1:01:59)
Creation vs. Evolution

This all-new sharing magazine provides a simple-to-understand summary of the key issues in the hotly contested debate between creationism and evolution.
​Easy to read and beautifully illustrated—vital topics include …
Biogenesis: Did life arise from non-life?
DNA: Could this staggeringly complex code really have evolved?
Cambrian Explosion: Isn’t this a thorn in the side of evolution?
Macroevolution vs. Microevolution: What’s the difference, and why does it matter?
Irreducible Complexity: Can lucky random mutations explain the human eye?
Dinosaur Soft Tissue: What are the chances that cells stayed intact for millions of years?
Ice Core Dating: What does the Glacier Girl teach us about Earth’s dynamic history?
The Geological Column: Is circular reasoning behind the dating of fossils?
The Big Bang: Does new evidence cast doubt on this once “ironclad” cosmic theory?
Plus, radiocarbon dating, mitochondrial Eve, homology, living fossils, missing links, Flood legends, and so much more!
Besides building your trust in the Word of God, this magazine is perfect for sharing with friends, family, co-workers, neighbors, and others asking about their purpose in life.